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The Canal and River Trust paid us a visit, with a whole school assembly and a special early years themed event. They shared some fantastic ideas and guidance to keep our families safe.


Year 1 went on a school trip to the British Motor Museum. Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their time dressing up as bus drivers, riding on a 100-year-old bus and investigating the first ever car. Here are some pictures of the cars we observed and the costumes we dressed up in.


To enhance our STEAM learning this term our Year 1 class visited the British Motor Museum at Gaydon. The class had the chance to investigate lots of different motor vehicles and see how they have developed over time. They even got to sit in the vehicles and get dressed up.


For any families wishing to join our nursery class from September 2025, we are hosting an open event on Monday 10th February. Please join us at 3.30pm for your chance to meet the team and view the setting. We look forward to meeting you.


KS2 competed in their second House Competition of the academic year. The challenge involved orienteering, searching for puzzle pieces with the aid of a map of the school grounds. However, it wasn’t that easy. There were lots of challenges to earn their puzzle pieces to begin with


Due to increased demand in our nursery, we will be confirming places before Easter for a September 2025 start. Please apply now by following the link below.


As some of you may have already seen, our Nursery and Reception classes helped create a fantastic display within There has been lots of compliments on the beautiful Gonk designs. Well done to all the children that took part!


A huge well done to Sienna in Year 2 for being one of the winning entries in the GLF Christmas card design competition! Beautiful design featuring "Cheeky and Chip"



Please join us on Monday 11th November at 5pm for our second open event geared towards Reception 2025 starters. No booking required, simply join us for a presentation from the Headteacher, a tour of the setting and your chance to ask any questions you may have.


We would like to say a huge thank you to Hanger Storage Logistics for generously donating a buddy bench to our school. Seen here with our Year 1 and 2 students.


Early Years has a special visit this week from Lucia's Tiny Farm. They got to meet and handle animals as young as 5 weeks old, learning about the life cycle and different stages of growth. Fun whilst learning


What a fantastic effort from staff and children alike!


Early years funding is changing! Please do visit to find out more. From September we will be offering places for 2 years olds. Please contact us to arrange a tour of our fantastic nursery. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


Did you know many working parents can now apply for funding for their 2 year old's childcare? For more details please visit the Childcare Choices website. Our nursery will offering places for 2-4 year olds from September. Please contact us to find out more on 01295 574004


Did you know many working parents can now apply for funding for their 2 year old's childcare? For more details please visit the Childcare Choices website. Our nursery will offering places for 2-4 year olds from September. Please do contact us to find out more 01295 574004


A first for Cherry Fields! We are very excited to have welcomed Tom from into school today. Some excellent budding musicians had their first go with keyboards and guitars today.


We are very proud to show off the fabulous Christmas artwork by our Darwin and Nightingale classes, which is proudly on display at Banbury Library. If you pop down please have a look, they have pride of place as you enter! Amazing work!


Please join us at our next open event, in preparation for choosing your Reception places for next September. The Head Teacher will give a presentation, a tour of the setting and allow our prospective families the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.

School Standards Board - Local Governing Body

Cherry Fields Primary School is part of the GLF multi academy trust.  The Trust Board have overall responsibility for the school of which they have delegated to the School Standards Board (SSB) the responsibility to implement and review the school’s strategic plan. 

The SSB for the academic year 2023-24 will be composed of the same members of the Hardwick Primary School SSB, whose leaders- collaborate with us here at Cherry Fields Primary School. There will be one meeting each half-term that is focussed on strategic aspects of the school. 

The SSB is made up of individuals with a diverse set of skills and expertise which we effectively deploy in order to support the Headteacher in the formulation of strategic plans and policies for the short, medium and long term future of the school.

If you would like a copy of our meeting minutes, or for any other enquiries, please contact our Clerk to the SSB, Anne Alderman, on

Our SSB Chair can be contacted via Please mark any communcations for the SSB Chair as 'FAO SSB Chair'.

Structure of the SSB including roles and responsibilities

The School Strategy Board’s three core functions are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the leadership team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its budget has an effective impact on children’s learning.

Please see the following information regarding register of interests for the SSB:

Click here for our Register of Interests GLF Schools Register of Interests.xlsx


Role Responsibility
  • Be able to demonstrate the competencies set out in the DfE Competency Framework for Governors (in addition the Chair should be able to demonstrate the specific competencies for the Chair role).
  • Provide strategic leadership and direction for the school, within the overall vision for the Trust.
  • Contribute to the remit of the SSB to oversee educational and financial performance of the school and to ensure pupil and staff well-being.
  • Participate in stimulating excellent, well-rounded and carefully considered strategic decision-making.
  • Develop good working relationships with colleagues on the SSB to facilitate effective communication and decision making
SSB Members
  • Provide strategic leadership and direction for the school, within the overall vision for the Trust
  • Contribute to the remit of the SSB to oversee educational and financial performance of the school and to ensure pupil and staff well-being.
  • Participate in stimulating excellent, well-rounded and carefully considered strategic decision-making.
  • Develop good working relationships with colleagues on the SSB to facilitate effective communication and decision making
  • Be responsible for advising School Strategy Board (SSB) on constitutional matters, duties and powers and will work within the broad current legislative framework.
  • Secure the continuity of governing body business and observe confidentiality requirements.

SSB Members

Name Type of Member Date Appointed End of Term
Sarah Deacon Chair 27.11.2023 27.11.2027
Keith Clement-Drew Vice Chair 12.07.2022 11.07.2026
Fiona Jarman GLF Staff 01.09.2021 31.08.2025
Charlotte Taylor Headteacher, Hardwick Primary School    
Claire Robertson Headteacher, Cherry Fields Primary School    
Kim Middleton Parent member    
Gemma Cottingham Parent member    
Kathryn Turner Parent Member 12.07.2022 11.07.2026
Anne Alderman Clerk    
Raazi Karim Community Member 02.10.2023 01.20.2023

Sarah Deacon is the SSB school safeguarding link - she can be contacted via:

SSB Meeting Dates 2024-2025

Autumn 1             

7 October 2024 



Autumn 2 25 November 2024