Behaviour for Learning
It is a primary aim of Cherry Fields Primary School that every member of the community feels happy, safe and secure, and that each person is valued and treated fairly. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. Therefore, the aim of our behaviour management is not a system to enforce rules but a means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn.
Good behaviour underpins effective learning, and children need good personal and social skills in order to live fulfilling and rewarding lives as adults. We believe it to be a highly important aspect of children’s education and development that they learn to behave well towards others and towards the community in which they live. We use 'Zones of Regulation' to help everyone in our school community to develop a positive, considerate mind-set. This enables children to grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become responsible and increasingly independent members of the community.
We expect high standards of behaviour from everyone within the Cherry Fields community. Our expectations are designed for the safety of everyone in order to maximise the potential in every child and we ask for parents and staff support in upholding them. Our main expectation is to show care and consideration for others. We strongly believe that a positive approach to discipline is the best one, promoting good behaviour through an ethos of kindness and co-operation.
Behaviour which, in any way, disrupts learning, is unacceptable in our school, and, through the constant promotion of positive behaviour, we seek to minimise, if not eliminate any such behaviour. Whilst our aim is to promote good behaviour, we do apply agreed sanctions with regard to pupils’ behaviour where necessary.
At Cherry Fields, we endeavour to acknowledge good behaviour shown by other children, to ensure that the child who is behaving inappropriately recognises what expected behaviour looks like. However, where the behaviour is seen to be inappropriate, sanctions will be given in accordance with our Behaviour policy. We treat all children fairly and apply our behaviour management approach in a consistent way, regardless of race, gender, age or ability.
In all disciplinary actions, it is essential that the child knows that it is the behaviour which is unacceptable and not the child as a person